Telephone: 07500 427228

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Traditional Wado Ryu Karate with practical self defence elements from our kata

Children's Charter

Derby Genjitsuteki Karate (DGK) has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in DGK from harm.

All children have a right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.  DGK will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in DGK through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines adopted by DGK.

A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children Act 1989).

Policy Aims

The aim of the DGK Child Protection Policy is to promote good practice, providing children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of DGK.

All sporting organisations which make provision for children and young people must ensure that:

  • the welfare of the child is paramount
  • all children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse
  • all suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
  • all Instructors (paid/unpaid) working in sport have a responsibility to report concerns to the appropriate officer/Advisor

Instructors are not trained to deal with situations of abuse or to decide if abuse has occurred, but will seek professional advice should this be suspected.

Injuries and Illness

Derby Genjitsuteki Karate will inform you of any injuries your child has sustained during their session. If your child needs medical attention, basic first aid can be given on site and you will be informed as soon as possible, should transfer to hospital be required. Please ensure we have your contact details and information about any relevant medical conditions.

Collection by parents/carers

Derby Genjitsuteki Karate expects you to arrive 5 minutes before the end of the session to collect your child. You are also expected to arrive in time so that your child can take part in all of the session. (A student under 16 may be able to leave unaccompanied if we are notified prior to the session).

Late Collection of Children

Late collection of children by parents could present DGK with a potentially difficult situation.

DGK are not responsible for transporting children home on behalf of parents who have been delayed.

If you are likely to be delayed, please phone Sensei immediately on 07500427228 and always provide us with an alternative emergency contact.

In the case of late collection, we will contact the parent/carer and wait with the child/young person at the sport facility, with other people or parents present if at all possible.

Instructors and volunteers should not:

  • take the child home or to any other location
  • send the child home with another person without permission from a parent or carer
  • ask the child to wait in a vehicle or sport facility with you alone

When discipline is used it should be with the clear intention of teaching or reinforcing appropriate behaviour. It must not be used impulsively, to gain power, or to embarrass or humiliate a child/young person.

Discipline should be used only to:

  • develop a sense of responsibility for behaviour
  • develop respect for others and their property
  • reinforce the rules or values of the sport
  • reinforce positive behaviour or attitudes
  • reinforce awareness of health and safety aspects of the activity

The use of sanctions is an important element in the maintenance of discipline. The age and developmental stage of the child should be taken into consideration when using sanctions. Sanctions should be fair and consistent and in the case of persistent offence, should be progressively applied. They should never be used to retaliate or to make a coach feel better.

Physical contact

Many sports require a degree of physical contact between Instructors and children or young people. Instructors may need to use it to instruct, encourage, protect or comfort. This should be done in a group, preferably with another adult present and never on a 1-1 basis.

Participants with disabilities

Children or young people with disabilities will have the same rights and opportunities as others involved in sport to have fun and be safe. It is very important that everyone who will be responsible for or in contact with young people appreciate and understand the additional vulnerability of disabled children and young people.

In Case Of Emergency

We will introduce some drills in our classes about how we will deal with an emergency or accident.

My Statement

Whilst this charter is very serious we will still try to make our Karate classes Interesting and fun.  We will not tolerate bullying, swearing or any other forms of abuse from "children".  We aim to assure you that you need have no concerns about how we deal with your children.  Their safety and well being is our priority.

All Club Instructors within DGK group will abide with this statement.

If you have any concerns please contact us and we will consider any points you bring up.

For more information about Derby Genjitsuteki Karate, or if you would like to speak with us, please use the contact button below:

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Why Derby Genjitsuteki Karate?

Derby Genjitsuteki Karate is a friendly low cost place for you and your family to learn. We offer a fresh, no pressure approach teaching the basics right through to Dan grades.

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pay as you train karate club derby, wado ryu karate clubs, derby genjitsuteki karate

Derby Genjitsuteki Karate is a friendly low cost place for you and your family to learn. We offer a fresh, no pressure approach teaching the basics right through to Dan grades.

Unlike other Karate clubs we never pressure our members. You pay only when you train and we will never ask you to pay up front or to sign any contract.

Put simply, it’s Karate as it should be. Safe, fun and friendly!

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