Pre-set partner work allows us to work with an opponent and because it is pre-set, each student knows what the other is doing. This allows us to concentrate on distance, angles and timing without fear of being hit when we make mistakes.
The pre-set exercises are not as such an example of “What to do if …” but are exercises to teach the principles behind defence and counter attack. This part of the syllabus builds on the Target, Timing and Technique, The Dead Time Principle (taught in Combinations) and the Direction and stances by adding distance.
Jiyu Kumite is free sparring. Whilst the student must exercise control so as to avoid injury, there is no knowledge of what the opponent will do (unlike pre-set partner work). This allows the student to practice all the techniques they have learned.
Paired Work
There are three main types of paired work:
Ippon Kumite - 1 step sparring. The attacker performs a single, agreed attack. The defender performs a counter attack.
Kihon Kumite - Whilst Kihon means basic, this is the most difficult area of partner work. Kihons work on the basic Wado Ryu principles of body evasion and simultaneous defence and counter attack. There are no blocks in Kihons, instead the defender avoids or redirects the incoming attack and counter attacks whilst the opponent is off balance or out of position.
Ohyo Kumite - Ohyo Kumite is where the attacker performs a combination attack. The first move(s) designed to set up the defender for a follow up attack.
Other types of Sparring
Jiyu Kumite is free sparring. This is practiced at DGK in regular sessions and in separate classes one Saturday each month. It should be noted that Wado-ryu Karate attempts to defeat an opponent by redirecting their attack. In essence this should mean the defender should be able to stem the attack on the first technique. If your first defence allows the attacker to follow up with a second attack it is not really an effective defence.
Jiyu Kumite is “Free Sparring”. There is no pre-set attack or defence and no limit to how many techniques can be performed concurrently.
For more information about Derby Genjitsuteki Karate, or if you would like to speak with us, please use the contact button below: