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Traditional Wado Ryu Karate with practical self defence elements from our kata

Ippon Kumite

In some schools Ippon Kumite is replaced with Sanbon Kumite where the attacker performs three identical attacks, the defender stepping back on the first two and counter attacking on the third.  In my limited experience, the defences in Sanbon Kumite are identical to Ippon Kumite.

  • Ippon Kumite Chudan uke (2 preset pieces in which the attack is a chudan punch).
  • Ippon Kumite Jodan uke (4 preset pieces in which the attack is a jodan punch).
  • Ippon Kumite Keri uke (6 preset pieces in which the attack is a chudan maegeri).

After completing the technique both attacker and defender take a full step backwards into fighting stance then a further half step back to bring feet together.  From here both return to their respective starting positions.  This applies to ALL Ippon Kumite.

No 1. IPPONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Step forward - Punch Junzuki Jodan with right hand.Defender: Left Stance. Step Back - Block with back of Left hand, punching simultaneously with right hand to attackers chin
No 2. NIHONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Step forward - Punch Junzuki Jodan with right handDefender: Right Stance. Step Back and to the right. Deflect punch with outer edge of Left Forearm, allow arm to continue in arc to strike attackers chin. Grab shoulder and head. Strike with right knee to stomach.
No 3. SANBONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Step forward - Punch Junzuki Jodan with right hand.Defender: Right Stance. Step Back and to the Left. Deflect punch with outer edge of Left Forearm, allow arm to continue in a straight line to attackers chin. Kick Mawashigeri with Right leg.
No 4. YOHONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Step forward - Punch Junzuki Jodan with right hand.Defender: Right Stance. Step Back. Deflect punch with inverted left Uchi Uke. Strike attackers ribs with Left Tettsui followed by right Haito.
No 1 IPPONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Kick with the Right leg Maegeri Chudan.Defender: Left Stance. Move to the left. moving front foot then back foot. Block with an anticlockwise circular motion using the left forearm to block the kick to your right. Punch Right Gyakuzuki to exposed ribs.
No 2 NIHONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Attack as No 1.Defender: Right stance. When attacked, step back into left stance and repeat defence as No 1.
No 3. SANBONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Attack Surikomi Maegeri Chudan. (Kick with the Left leg).Defender: Left stance. When attacked step back into Right Stance and repeat defence No 1 blocking with the Right hand and punching with the left. This is the mirror image of No 2.
No 4. YOHONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Attack as No 1.Defender: Left Stance. Step Back. Deflect kick with Left hand using Gyaku Gedan Barai simultaneously strike Nagashizuki Chudan to opponents Sternum
No 5. GOHONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Attack as No 1Defender: Right Stance. Move back and Slightly to the left maintaining Right Stance. Block Right Gedan Barai against the outside of attackers leg. Punch Left Gyakuzuki to exposed ribs.
No 6. ROPPONME. Attacker: Left Stance. Attack as No 3Defender: Left Stance. Move back and slightly to the right maintaining Left Stance. Block Left Gedan Barai against the outside of attackers leg. Punch Right Gyakuzuki to exposed ribs. This is the mirror image of defence No 5.
SOTO UKE - MAEGERI - GYAKUZUKI. Attacker: Left Stance. Step forward - Punch Junzuki Chudan with right hand.Defender: Right Stance. Step Back - Block outwards with left forearm. Twist wrist to grab attackers extended right arm. Kick Maegeri with Left leg. Punch Right Gyakuzuki.
UCHI UKE - EMPI. Attacker: Left Stance. Step forward - Punch Junzuki Chudan with right hand.Defender. Right Stance. Step Back - Block inwards with left forearm. Slide forwards strike attackers ribs with the point of the Left Elbow.

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Derby Genjitsuteki Karate is a friendly low cost place for you and your family to learn. We offer a fresh, no pressure approach teaching the basics right through to Dan grades.

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Derby Genjitsuteki Karate is a friendly low cost place for you and your family to learn. We offer a fresh, no pressure approach teaching the basics right through to Dan grades.

Unlike other Karate clubs we never pressure our members. You pay only when you train and we will never ask you to pay up front or to sign any contract.

Put simply, it’s Karate as it should be. Safe, fun and friendly!

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